Herby Preserved Lemon Soda Bread

As I mentioned recently, soda bread is the easiest way to ease into breadmaking, so why not share a solid savory recipe for all seasons with you all! Utilizing spices, herbs and of course preserved lemon, this particular loaf is very aromatic, flavorful and comes together in no time to serve it during any time of the day really. I served it with some whipped cottage cheese swirled with harissa however nothing beats a hefty slathering of good old butter.

*Note: to make it gluten free, just use 235g Gluten Free flour mixed with 3/4 tsp Xantham Gum


INGREDIENTS (1 medium loaf)

Dry Ingredients

200g Bread Flour or High Protein Flour (extra for dusting) 

35g Spelt Flour or Whole Wheat Flour 

15g Old Fashioned Oats (not the quick cooking variety) - more to finish

1 tsp Baking Soda

1/2 tsp Baking Powder

1 tbsp Curry Powder (potent kind)

1.5 tbsp Za’atar

2 tsp Crushed Rose Petals

1 tsp Ground Turmeric

1/2 tsp Fine Sea Salt (reduce to 1/4 tsp if the preserved lemon using is on saltier side)


35g Super Cold Salted Butter, cut into pieces

35g Preserved Lemon, de-seeded & finely chopped (for reference I used the one from Mina brand)

40g Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

5g Fresh Marjoram Leaves, chopped (substitute with fresh oregano leaves)

15g Fresh Chives, finely chopped

15g Fresh Cilantro (including stems), finely chopped (substitute with flat leaf parsley)

Wet Ingredients 

160g Buttermilk, Cold or straight from fridge

15g Honey, Room Temperature

1 large Egg (50g without shell), room temperature 



💥 Pre-heat oven to 425F / 220C . Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and dust generously with bread flour. Alternatively, line a 4”x5” Loaf Tin with parchment paper with over hang on two sides  

💥 Whisk all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Carefully tip the cold butter and massage by hands until the butter break down into pea size bits and are coated with dry ingredients mix. Now add rest of the filling ingredients and gently mix everything by hand. Make a well in the center

💥 Whisk all wet ingredients in a large jug. Once well combined, transfer into the well of dry ingredients and filling in the large bowl. Using a spatula, gently mix everything until everything is just combined (no floury spots) to form a rough dough

💥 If using the loaf tin, transfer the dough into prepared tin. Smoothen the top, sprinkle extra oats and run a knife through the center length-wise and bake for 30-35 mins or until baked. Or transfer dough mixture from the bowl to the flour dusted sheet. Using floured hands and bench scraper (optional), roughly pat & shape into a round. Sprinkle more flour on top to handle. Once a rough boule is formed, using kitchen shears make a deep cross in the center and bake for 30-32 mins or until it’s golden on the outside and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom

💥 Let it cool completely before slicing. Serve with softened butter and favorite condiment such Za’atar or Everything Bagel Seasoning spice mixes or hot honey / sweet chili sauce. Poached eggs on the side are perfect too!

Pillowy Wrap Bread

Utilizing my mum’s OG mashed potato bread recipe, here I have ridiculously easy recipe for super soft flatbreads that can work to mop up dips and curries or act as the perfect wrap bread. The dough can be made ahead upto 3-4 days in advance and refrigerated - perfect to make fresh bread anytime! A quick step by step can be found here.

*Note: Once you feel comfortable in making these, you can swap upto 20% of the Plain flour in the Dough with Whole Wheat or Spelt Flour.


Ingredients (makes 4)

Base mix
120g All Purpose or Plain Flour (if in the US, I recommend using King Arthur brand with relatively higher protein%)
142g Boiling Water

60g All Purpose or Plain Flour (substitute with Gluten-free Plain Flour)
21g Instant mashed potatoes flakes
3g Fine Sea Salt
2g Sugar
1 tbsp Neutral Oil
3/4 tsp Instant Yeast (less fluffy results with Active Dry)

2/3 tbsp Neutral Oil
1-2 tsp Nigella seeds (optional)


1. Combine first 2 ingredients in a large bowl and mix until a smooth paste is formed. Let it cool and come to room temp - about 25 mins

2. Meanwhile, combine rest of the ingredients and mix well. Once the base mix is cool enough, transfer the yeast mixture into the large bowl. Mix everything well, it will be sticky but resist the urge to add any extra flour

3. Now use 1/2 tbsp oil to grease a clean work surface and 1/2 tbsp oil to grease your hands. Transfer the sticky dough to the work surface and start kneading until a smooth & elastic dough is formed. About 12-13 mins

4. Cover & let it rise for 90 mins. Divide equally into 4 pieces, roll into balls, cover with a wet towel & let it rest for 20 mins

5. Roll out each ball into an 8-9” circle (keep remaining balls covered while working on one). Sprinkle Nigella seeds (if using) on top. Heat up a cast iron skillet, add remaining oil to grease the pan. Transfer the rolled-out dough disc onto the skillet, cook on high heat for 2 mins each side - or until you observe puffing, brown splotches all over

6. Repeat the process for remaining 3 balls. Make sure to stack on top of each other so that remain soft!

*Make-ahead Notes: Refrigerate in an air-tight container after the 90 min rise (Step-4). Whenever ready to make, bring out the dough to room-temperature, divide into portions, rest, roll and enjoy hot flatbreads. I typically double the recipe and refrigerate upto a week.

*Note: if you don’t want to use instant mashed potatoes then just use leftover boiled potato starchy water instead of regular water in first step. Sometimes I use spinach blanching water to give it a green hue and a bit of nutrition.